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Comments (51904)

JesusFam (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 03:08

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Lucasdok (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 03:24

High-end purses have always

High-end purses have always remained a symbol for status along with elegance. Starting with the famous Chanel 2.55 to the classic Hermes Birkin, such purses has captured the hearts of fashion enthusiasts globally. However not everyone can justify the hefty price labels that arrive along these coveted accessories. Enter high-end replica handbags, offering a piece of high-end fashion at a fraction of that cost.
How come Is We Attracted to Luxury Imitation Purses?
High-end imitation handbags remain much simply just imitations; these mimic the prestige and prestige of high-end brands. For numerous, owning a imitation allows them towards experience that charm of high-end minus breaking one's bank. Such imitations provide the design, quality, and refinement that numerous desire but cannot justify.

Besides a financial aspect, high-end imitations also offer an chance for style enthusiasts to diversify one's wardrobe. Instead of purchasing in a costly original, consumers are able to enjoy multiple replicas, every catering for various events and styles. This flexibility remains especially appealing to ones who enjoy to play with their fashion.
Ethical and Financial Consequences of Replica High-end Goods
A realm of luxury replicas remains never lacking in their debates. Critics argue that purchasing replicas diminishes the worth of authentic brands along with contributes to the fake market. However, it's important to understand a financial background. Premium imitations can frequently be created under fair labor circumstances, contrasting greatly with those frequent questionable practices of low-quality imitations.

Moreover, among some buyers, replicas act like a introduction towards appreciating along with eventually investing in authentic luxury goods. They provides a sense of what having a luxury product is like, potentially resulting to later purchases of originals when financial circumstances permit.
Tips for Spotting High-Quality Luxury Replicas
If exploring into a realm of luxury imitations, it remains important towards recognize an quality signs which distinguish a premium product from a mere knock-off. Below is some tips for guide consumers:

Components along with Craftsmanship
A premium imitation uses materials which nearly replicate those of the authentic. Look toward real leather, sturdy components, along with precise stitching.


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Jamesgic (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 03:49

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RoyceTrief (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 03:50

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Robertecomi (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 04:17

Ирина Волк: расследование

Ирина Волк: расследование уголовного дела пирамиды Life is Good завершено
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Официальный представитель МВД России Ирина Волк сообщила об окончании предварительного расследования уголовного дела Life is Good. Материалы с утвержденным обвинительным заключением в отношении десяти человек направлены в Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга для рассмотрения по существу. Они обвиняются в организации деятельности по привлечению денежных средств и мошенничестве, совершенных в особо крупном размере в составе преступного сообщества. Всего, по версии следствия, в состав криминальной организации входили 35 соучастников. Потерпевшими по уголовному делу признаны 221 человек – люди заключили договоры с целью получения пассивного дохода. Общая сумма материального ущерба составила свыше 280 млн рублей.

«Кроме того, в деятельность финансовой пирамиды были вовлечены более 18 тысяч россиян. Они вложили в жилищный кооператив более 15 миллиардов рублей, два миллиарда из которых организаторы криминальной схемы присвоили. Десять предполагаемых участников преступного сообщества были задержаны в феврале 2022 года оперативниками ГУЭБиПК МВД России совместно с коллегами из Санкт-Петербурга и сотрудниками ФСБ России. Остальные обвиняемые в противоправной деятельности объявлены в розыск. Возбуждено уголовное дело по признакам преступления, предусмотренного частью 3 статьи 210, частью 4 статьи 159, частью 2 статьи 172.2 УК РФ. Расследование было взято на контроль руководством Следственного департамента МВД России», – сообщила Ирина Волк.

По информации МВД, в общей сложности полицейскими и сотрудниками ФСБ проведено более 100 обысков по местам проживания фигурантов и в офисах подконтрольных им организаций. Изъята компьютерная техника, средства связи, документы и другие предметы, имеющие доказательственное значение.

«В качестве обеспечительной меры по возмещению причиненного материального ущерба наложен арест на более чем 2300 находящихся в собственности кооператива квартир, а также на денежные средства на счетах компании в сумме свыше 3,7 млрд рублей. Также арестованы активы фигурантов на общую сумму порядка 1 млрд рублей», – рассказала генерал-майор полиции.

По версии следствия, противоправная деятельность велась с 2014 года на территории девяти регионов России. Злоумышленниками были созданы подконтрольные организации с сетью региональных филиалов, которые работали под единым брендом «Лайф из Гуд». Гражданам предлагали стать пайщиками кооператива, обещая либо новое жилье, либо получение дохода в размере до 30% годовых. При этом реальным инвестированием вкладов фигуранты не занимались. Приобретение недвижимости и обещанные выплаты осуществлялись за счет привлечения средств новых клиентов. Кроме того, граждан вводили в заблуждение об уровне доходности вложений, указывая в договорах параметры гораздо ниже обещанных. Полученные от вкладчиков деньги похищались.

Ранее стало известно, что Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга заочно арестовал топ-лидера инвестиционного проекта Life is Good в Набережных Челнах Сергея Санникова и его жену Юлию. Также суд избрал меру пресечения в виде заключения под стражу и в отношении директора холдинга Игоря Маланчука. В июле этого года они были объявлены в федеральный розыск – соответствующая информация появилась в базе данных министерства.

DwightCoaro (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 04:18

Интернет-казино стали

Интернет-казино стали неотъемлемой долею современного веселья. Они делают отличное предложение игрокам уникальную возможность испытать фортуну, не покидая собственного дома. В данной статье будут рассмотрены основные аспекты мира веб-казино.

1. История и развитие веб-казино

Первые интернет-казино появились в самом конце 1990-х годов. С тех пор технологические процессы значительно усовершенствовались, что способствовало росту популярности азартных игр онлайн. Сегодня игроки могут наслаждаться включая классическими настольными забавами, да и инноваторскими слотами, видео покером и даже живыми играми с реальными крупье.

2. Выбор казино

Существует множество интернет-казино, и выбор правильного заведения может оказаться трудной задачей. При выборе обратите внимание на:

- Лицензию казино она подтверждает легальность и безопасность игр.
- Разнообразие игр чем больше игр, тем больше шансов найти что-то подходящее.
- Призы и акции почти многие казино предлагают приветственные бонусы и другие специальные предложения для новых игроков.
- Платежные способы удостоверьтесь, что предлагаемые методы пополнения и вывода средств удобны вам.

3. Безопасность и ответственность

Безопасность ключевой g567y7 аспект забавы в веб-казино. Убедитесь, что выбранное вами казино употребляет современные технологии шифрования данных. Также принципиально держать в голове о разумном подходе к играм на интерес:

- Установите бюджет и придерживайтесь его.
- Не используйте азартные забавы https://asmap.ru/forum/user/38845/ в качестве метода решения финансовых заморочек.
- Знайте, когда остановиться.

4. Технологии и инновации

С появлением новых технологий интернет-казино https://rslib.koenig.ru/forum/index.php?PAGE_NAME=profile_view&UID=68317 повсевременно развиваются. Мобильные приложения, виртуальная реальность и блокчейн технологические процессы все это теснее входит в мир онлайн-азартных игр, предлагая игрокам новый уровень взаимодействия и удобства.

5. Игровые общества

В последние годы игроки начали объединяться в он-лайн-сообщества. Это позволяет обмениваться опытом, стратегиями и рассказывать о собственных выигрышах. Участие в таких сообществах может значительно повысить ваши шансы на фуррор.


Мир интернет-казино полон способностей и приключений. Однако, как и в любых азартных играх, важно подходить к этому занятию трепетно и с осторожностью. Помните, что основное это наслаждение от процесса, но не только стремление к выигрышу.

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Jamesmic (non vérifié)

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Haroldoxync (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 04:33

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Lucasdok (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 04:37

Luxury handbags has always

Luxury handbags has always remained an symbol for status along with grace. From the iconic Chanel 2.55 to the classic Hermès Birkin, such purses has captured a passions among fashion aficionados worldwide. But not everyone has justify a hefty price labels which arrive along such coveted items. Enter luxury replica handbags, providing an slice in luxury fashion for the fraction from the cost.
How come Is Consumers Attracted to Luxury Replica Purses?
Luxury replica handbags remain much simply just copies; they replicate the allure along with appeal from luxury labels. Among many, having an imitation enables individuals to experience the appeal from high-end minus emptying the bank. Such replicas provide an style, quality, and sophistication that numerous desire however cannot justify.

Besides a financial aspect, high-end imitations also offer an opportunity for fashion lovers towards diversify one's closet. Instead than purchasing in a costly original, consumers can own various replicas, each catering to different occasions along with styles. This variety remains especially appealing to those that enjoy to play in their style.
Moral and Financial Consequences of Replica High-end Goods
The world of high-end replicas is not without their controversies. Critics claim which purchasing imitations undermines an worth of original labels and contributes to a counterfeit industry. However, it remains important towards understand a economic landscape. High-quality imitations often frequently are produced under ethical working circumstances, differing sharply from the frequent questionable practices of low-quality knock-offs.

Moreover, among certain consumers, imitations act as a gateway towards valuing and ultimately buying into genuine luxury products. They provides the sense of how owning an luxury product is similar to, potentially resulting toward later buying from authentics if economic situations allow.
Advice for Identifying Premium Expensive Replicas
When exploring in a realm for high-end imitations, it’s crucial to identify an distinctive signs which separate an high-quality product in the simple knock-off. Below is some tips to guide you:

Components along with Craftsmanship
A premium imitation utilizes materials that nearly replicate those of an authentic. Search for real materials, solid hardware, and meticulous sewing.


Edwinmiz (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 04:55

In the duchy where creativity

In the duchy where creativity meets technology, superhero illustrations stand as an sign of creative facility and digital advance. The growth of these iconic characters not simply reflects societal values but also showcases the innovative effect of technology on imaginative industries.

Medium of Expression
Superhero illustrations have moved beyond ancestral mediums, utilizing digital tools to engender compelling and vivid portrayals. Artists employ software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to draw up comprehensive artworks, striking hues, and realistic textures that bring superheroes to life. This relay from traditional write down and autograph to digital canvases has widened access to the universe, allowing artists across the world to showcase their skills and reach international audiences.

Custom Icons and Text Prompts
Form toll icons serve as modern-day hieroglyphics, with no recognizable and loaded with relevance. In the setting of superheroes, icons such as Superman's insignia or Batman's bat symbol convey narratives and provoke sentiments without words. Main body text prompts augment these visuals, guiding viewers to the core stories and enhancing betrothal as a consequence interactive components.

Technological Contact on Careers
The advent of AI has transformed pursuit trajectories within the exactly of creativity. AI-driven tools like advanced bogus discernment technologies and platforms against creating illustrations have optimized operations, enabling artists to pledge more heyday to ideas and storytelling. Predictive wrong dissection and other AI applications equip insights into market trends, allowing creators to fit their delighted to bump into rendezvous with changing consumer preferences.

Originative Theme and Website Integration
Superhero narratives outshine on creative writing that explores themes of heroism, fairness, and respectable intricacies. Websites dedicated to superheroes serve as digital hubs, sacrifice fans a dais to explore expected backstories, see inaccurate hither trendy artwork, and participate in conversations. This integration encourages a community where enthusiasts can appropriation insights and nurture a deeper enjoyment in return the genre.

Later Mission Market and Community Of a musician gig
AI enthusiasts communities are influencing the tomorrow's duty retail nearby advocating collaboration and news exchange. As AI progresses, so too will-power opportunities in fields such as predictive felony critique and high-quality instance generation. These advancements egg on alteration while sparking parley on the noble considerations of AI-driven creativity.

In conclusion, superhero illustrations signify the fusion of creativity and technology, showcasing how AI enhances artistic inception and shapes future career paths. As we direct the evolving vista of digital artistry, unified terror is dependable: superheroes liking on all occasions enthrall audiences with their unending stories and continuing appeal.

Whether you're a devotee, a designer, or a tech lover, the tour of superhero illustrations invites us all to traverse new frontiers where creativity has no limits.

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Brentsef (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 05:30

‘I see the world around me in

‘I see the world around me in a brand-new way’: Dubai photographer reveals the UAE’s hidden wildlife
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In a country best known for its soaring skyscrapers, modern architecture and sprawling desert, wildlife isn’t always what comes to mind when people think of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). But Dubai-based photographer Anish Karingattil is determined to change that.

Originally from India, Karingattil moved to Dubai 17 years ago and began photographing wildlife shortly after, specializing in macro photography, using extreme close ups. Highlights of his stunning portfolio of images, taken across the seven Emirates, include a scorpion with her babies, an Arabian horned viper hiding in the desert sand, and two black and yellow mud daubers covered in dew drops.
“Photographers get to tell a story through images,” Karingattil says. “Macro photography allows me to see life and the world around me in a brand-new way.”

Despite its hot climate and harsh desert, the UAE is home to over 1,000 plant and animal species. The waters around the country are home to the largest concentration of Indian Ocean humpbacks dolphin in the world, and the second-largest population of dugongs, after Australia.

With the UAE’s president recently extending the country’s “Year of Sustainability” into 2024, Karingattil uses wildlife photography as a method of capturing the country’s biodiversity and sharing it with others.

While interior design is his full-time job, “herping” is his passion. “Herping is the act of observing, studying, and photographing reptiles and amphibians in their natural habitats,” says Karingattil. “It is a popular hobby among nature enthusiasts and wildlife photographers who are fascinated by the diversity and beauty of these creatures.”

RobertGoG (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 05:34

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ThomasApelp (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 05:39

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CharlesGothe (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 06:05

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Edwinmiz (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 06:10

In the duchy where creativity

In the duchy where creativity meets technology, superhero illustrations tolerate as an trade mark of artistic facility and novelty. The progress of these iconic characters not only reflects societal values but also showcases the transformative bump of technology on artistic endeavors.

Environment of Expression
Superhero illustrations be suffering with moved beyond traditional mediums, harnessing digital tools to conceive vibrant and engaging figurativeness. Artists harness software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create decorate artworks, daring color palettes, and true to life textures that cause of superheroes to life. This workforce from conventional adroitness methods to digital canvases has democratized access to creation, allowing artists globally to showcase their talents and reach international audiences.

Way Icons and Part Prompts
Form toll icons dole out as symbols of novel communication, instantly recognizable and imbued with symbolism. In the setting of superheroes, icons such as Superman's top or Batman's bat symbol convey narratives and recall emotions without words. Topic prompts magnify these visuals, guiding viewers from top to bottom stories and increasing interaction owing to agreeable features.

Technological Contact on Careers
The advent of AI has redefined pursuit trajectories within the artistic community. AI-driven tools like Midjourney AI Method and platforms exchange for creating illustrations take optimized operations, enabling artists to focus more on ideation and storytelling. Analyzing unlawful patterns and other AI applications provide insights into shop trends, allowing creators to fit their content to bump into rendezvous with changing consumer preferences.

Original Writing and Website Integration
Superhero narratives anguish on creative writing that explores virile themes, fairness, and moral intricacies. Websites dedicated to superheroes be convenient as digital hubs, sacrifice fans a luck to uncover nutcase backstories, find inaccurate with regard to inexperienced artwork, and associate oneself with dialogues. This integration encourages a community where enthusiasts can share insights and court a deeper enjoyment for the genre.

Expected Undertaking Sell and Community Pledge
AI enthusiasts communities are shaping the expected assignment market by advocating collaboration and sharing of ideas. As AI progresses, so too will-power opportunities in fields such as crime style interpretation and high-quality sample generation. These advancements spur novelty while sparking parley on the ethical aspects of AI-driven creativity.

In conclusion, superhero illustrations incorporate the fusion of craft and branch, showcasing how AI enhances originative production and shapes future life's work paths. As we journey by the evolving landscape of digital artistry, one fetish is unfluctuating: superheroes bequeath forever rouse people with their immortal stories and enduring appeal.

Whether you're an adherent, an artist, or a tech lover, the trip of superhero illustrations invites us all to explore new frontiers where invention knows no culminate.

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mer, 24/07/2024 - 06:33

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Michaelrot (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 06:47

Dubai is building the world’s

Dubai is building the world’s tallest residential clock tower
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Dubai is set to add another towering figure to its skyline.

The Aeternitas Tower, officially unveiled at a launch event last week, will be the world’s tallest residential clock tower at a staggering 450 meters (1,476 feet) tall — more than four times the height of London’s Big Ben, and just 22 meters (72 feet) short of the world’s tallest residential building, the Central Park Tower in New York City.
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Set to become the world’s second-tallest clock tower (after the Makkah Clock Royal Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia), Aeternitas Tower is the result of a partnership between Dubai-based real estate developer London Gate and Swiss luxury watch manufacturer Franck Muller.

London Gate purchased the plot of land in Dubai Marina, which already had the beginnings of an unfinished 106-story structure — and knew that the tower’s monumental size needed a striking facade, said Tom Hill, media relations coordinator for the developer.

“We believe the clock will be seen from six kilometers away because of the sheer height of the building,” said Hill, adding that the clock face will be an enormous 40 meters (131 feet) tall and 30 meters (98 feet) wide.

“We wanted to do something different that hasn’t been done before in Dubai,” said Hill.

Randalldeple (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 07:03

Luxury handbags has always

Luxury handbags has always been an icon for prestige along with grace. Starting with a famous Coco 2.55 to a timeless Hermès Birkin, such purses have enchanted the passions among fashion aficionados globally. However not everyone can justify a hefty cost labels that come with such coveted accessories. Enter high-end replica purses, providing a piece in luxury fashion at a portion of the price.
How come Are We Attracted to Luxury Replica Purses?
High-end replica handbags remain more than just copies; they mimic an allure along with prestige from luxury brands. For numerous, owning an replica allows individuals to experience that charm of luxury without emptying one's bank. Such imitations provide the design, craftsmanship, and sophistication that many desire but cannot afford.

In addition to a financial aspect, luxury imitations moreover offer an chance towards fashion lovers towards expand one's wardrobe. Rather of investing in one expensive authentic, they are able to enjoy multiple replicas, each tailored for different occasions and looks. This variety is especially appealing to ones who enjoy towards experiment with their fashion.
Ethical along with Financial Implications of Replica Luxury Products
The realm of the high-end imitations is never without their controversies. Critics claim that buying imitations undermines an value in authentic brands and contributes toward the counterfeit industry. However, it remains essential to consider the economic landscape. Premium imitations can frequently be created under ethical working conditions, differing sharply from the often shady operations in cheap imitations.

Additionally, among some consumers, replicas act like the introduction towards valuing along with eventually buying into authentic high-end products. It provides the sense in what having an high-end product is similar to, possibly resulting to future buying of originals if financial circumstances allow.
Tips for Identifying High-Quality Expensive Imitations
When exploring into a world of luxury replicas, it remains crucial towards recognize an distinctive signs that separate a high-quality product in a mere imitation. Here is a few tips for help consumers:

Components and Craftsmanship
A premium replica utilizes components that closely replicate those from an original. Search for genuine materials, sturdy hardware, and precise stitching.


Haroldoxync (non vérifié)

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DwightCoaro (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 07:27

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Интернет-казино стали неотъемлемой долею современного веселья. Они делают отличное предложение игрокам уникальную возможность испытать фортуну, не покидая собственного дома. В данной статье мы рассмотрим основные аспекты мира интернет-казино.

1. История и развитие интернет-казино

Первые интернет-казино появились в конце 1990-х годов. С тех пор технологические процессы существенно усовершенствовались, что способствовало росту репутации азартных игр онлайн. Сегодня игроки могут услаждаться включая классическими настольными забавами, да и инновационными слотами, видео покером и даже живыми играми с реальными крупье.

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Существует множество интернет-казино, и выбор правильного заведения возможно окажется трудной задачей. При выборе обратите внимание на:

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- Платежные методы удостоверьтесь, что предлагаемые методы пополнения и вывода средств комфортны для вас.

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С появлением новых технологий интернет-казино http://whdf.ru/forum/user/81430/ постоянно развиваются. Мобильные приложения, виртуальная реальность и блокчейн технологии все это уже входит в мир онлайн-азартных игр, предлагая игрокам новый уровень взаимодействия и удобства.

5. Игровые общества

В заключительные годы игроки начали объединяться в онлайн-сообщества. Это дает возможность обмениваться опытом, стратегиями и рассказывать о своих выигрышах. Роль в таких сообществах может значительно повысить ваши шансы на успех.


Мир интернет-казино полон возможностей и приключений. Однако, как и в всех играх на интерес, главно подходить к этому занятию ответственно и с осмотрительностью. Помните, что основное это наслаждение от процесса, а не только стремление к выигрышу.

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AnthonyIroke (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 07:30

Elon Musk has been getting

Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next
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Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has courted senior Chinese officials on their home turf.

Now he is reportedly exploring what could be his next political project: Becoming an adviser to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
Musk has discussed advising Trump should he win the 2024 election, the Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. Musk called Trump directly via cellphone to explore a role that could potentially give Musk significant influence over US policies. It’s not clear based on the Journal’s reporting which party initiated conversations about the potential role.

The Trump campaign did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment; Musk also did not respond to the Wall Street Journal, but Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told the outlet: “President Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.”

Musk pushed back on the Journal report in a post on X Thursday, saying: “There have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump Presidency.”

However, a potential role in a future Trump administration could expand upon the role that Musk played in the previous Trump administration, when he served on two business advisory councils before quitting them over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.

The privilege of whispering in Trump’s ear, should he win reelection, could give the billionaire – who is increasingly steeped in the rhetoric and imagery of the conservative culture wars – even more power on the global stage. Reporting that Musk and Trump’s relationship has improved comes after Musk’s politics have become more aligned with Trump’s.

Musk has made supporting right-wing causes — and extremism, in some situations — increasingly central to his identity. He has vocally opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and embraced anti-vaccine ideology. He has elevated conservative speech on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he purchased in 2022. And he has pushed racist conspiracy theories about immigration.

FrancisPrize (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 07:30

A series of cosmic outbursts

A series of cosmic outbursts
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Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, it’s difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
“I would say it’s somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts it’s been having,” Schleicher said. “On the other hand, it’s not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.”

Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets don’t need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.

Randalldeple (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 08:15

High-end purses have

High-end purses have consistently been an symbol of status and elegance. From a famous Chanel 2.55 until the timeless Hermès Birkin, these purses has enchanted the passions of fashion enthusiasts worldwide. However not each can afford a hefty cost labels which come along such desired accessories. Enter luxury replica handbags, offering a piece of high-end style at a portion from the price.
Why Is We Attracted toward Luxury Imitation Handbags?
Luxury imitation handbags are much than mere imitations; these replicate an allure along with appeal of high-end brands. For many, owning an replica allows them to experience that appeal from high-end without emptying the account. These imitations provide the design, quality, along with refinement which numerous desire but cannot afford.

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The realm of the high-end imitations is never without their debates. Critics claim that buying imitations undermines an worth of original brands along with contributes to the fake industry. However, it's important to consider a economic background. Premium imitations often frequently be created with fair working circumstances, differing sharply with the often shady practices in cheap imitations.

Additionally, for certain consumers, imitations act as the gateway towards valuing along with ultimately buying into authentic high-end goods. It offer a sense in how having a high-end item feels similar to, possibly leading to later buying from authentics if financial situations permit.
Advice for Identifying Premium Luxury Replicas
When exploring in a world of luxury imitations, it’s important towards identify the distinctive markers which distinguish an high-quality product in a mere knock-off. Here is a few advice for guide you:

Materials and Quality
A high-quality imitation utilizes components that nearly replicate that of an authentic. Search for real leather, sturdy components, and meticulous sewing.


Robertdug (non vérifié)

mer, 24/07/2024 - 08:59

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High-end imitation handbags are more than just copies; these mimic the allure along with prestige from high-end brands. Among numerous, having a imitation allows individuals to savor the appeal of high-end without breaking the bank. Such replicas offer the design, craftsmanship, and sophistication that numerous desire however don't afford.

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If venturing into the world for high-end replicas, it remains important to identify an distinctive markers which separate a premium product in a simple imitation. Below is a few tips for guide you:

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An high-quality replica uses materials that nearly replicate that from an authentic. Look toward genuine leather, sturdy hardware, and precise stitching.


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